Gospel Hall
We believe the Bible is the living, unchanging, infallible Word of God, and we submit to its authority in all matters regarding life, death, and eternity.
We believe that through the fall of man, the human race became totally estranged from God. The incarnation of God’s only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His substitutionary death and bodily resurrection provide the sole basis for salvation received by grace through faith.
We believe that heaven is the eternal home of the saved and that Hell is the eternal destiny of the lost. The Holy Spirit dwells in all believers empowering them for worship and service.
We believe that one glorious day Christ will return for His church.
As Christians who love the Lord and seek to follow Him daily, we are committed to sound Biblical teaching and would be delighted to have you join us.
We are baptized believers who gather in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 18:20). Many (not all) of our meeting places are simply called 'Gospel Halls' because our focus is on the gospel of the grace of God and the great commission the Lord Jesus left us.
We are not part of a denomination. We enjoy fellowship with a large number of similar local churches world-wide on the basis of a common understanding of what the Bible teaches.
We aim to give Christ His rightful place as Lord and Head of His church. Spiritual activity such as preaching, teaching, and collective prayer and worship is a shared responsibility.
There are some things that you will notice at our public services that are unique in church gatherings but were neverthless practiced by the disciples in the early church.
First, you will notice that there is no single pastor or clergy. Church leadership is through a body of elders who are accountable to the Lord and make decisions governed solely by the Word of God. The Bible teaches that there should be a number of elders who care for the well-being of the local testimony, not one primary salaried leader.
Similarly, the ‘priesthood of all believers’ is practiced allowing each individual member to participate in their own unique way using their specific gifts for the upbuilding of the church as a whole.
The women in assembly fellowship will be wearing a head covering of some kind. This scriptural practice (1 Corinthians 11) was followed faithfully by Christians for centuries but has been discarded by many church groups in recent times. Our sisters count it a privilege to obey the scriptures in this way.
Also, sisters do not take an audible or prominent part in the public meetings (1 Corinthians 14:34). There is no inequality suggested by this practice. In fact, women are encouraged to be involved in a variety of in-house and outreach ministries and are highly esteemed in the local church here at 75 Kiwanis.
This role distinction taught in the Word of God reflects the full expression of God-honouring headship and scriptural order within the local church.
You will find that there is no musical accompaniment or vocal or instrumental entertainment at our public meetings. Instead, you will find believers singing from their hearts to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19) without the distraction and pride often accompanying professional performances.
We simply seek to please the Lord in our deportment and activities, finding great joy in knowing that we have scriptural precedent and teaching for these practices.
Yes, the New Testament assembly is truly unique! Acknowledging the Lordship of Christ in this way and striving to follow the Lord’s original intentions for His church truly enriches Christian experience and growth. The richness of the Bible teaching and the clarity of a Christ-centered gospel will surely be a blessing to you in your walk with the Lord.
Are you interested in returning to the original pattern for the local church set down in the Word of God? Does following New Testament principles of gathering OUT of religion and UNTO the lovely Name of the Lord Jesus Christ appeal to you?
We hope so!