Gospel Hall

We are believers in Christ who love to share His grace and great salvation with others.
We have been meeting together in St. John's as a local church
for worship, prayer, and Bible teaching for over 75 years.

Gospel Messages
We have something to talk about!
The Lord Jesus told believers to "go into all the world and preach the gospel". This is what we love to do through weekly gospel preaching, special gospel series, believers conferences, and online presentations.
Come along and hear the greatest message ever heard - the good news of the gospel!
Community Outreach
We enjoy sharing the Word of God personally with our friends and neighbours here in town.
Our community outreach includes various activities such as ESL classes, various immigrant ministries, neighbourhood outings, regatta displays, seniors home visitation, gospel tents, and open-air gospel services.
What's Happening?
We have regular church and community activities. Come and join us!
Click here for more information on our regular meeting schedule and special events.
Bible Adventures for Kids
Children need a stable and secure foundation for life. Our teaching with the children is a fun time where stories, games, singing, quizzes, crafts, and other activities make the Bible understandable for all ages while they learn treasured truths. Parents are encouraged to attend.
Transportation is provided. Call Harold at 709-697-2894 for details.
Media Library
Check out our media library where you will find recorded Bible messages, video gospel presentations, podcasts, testimonies, devotional writings, and Bible commentaries.
You can also check out links to other websites that contain valuable resources.
The library is updated often. Please check back.
Radio Broadcast
Listen to the gospel of the grace of God on our weekly radio broadcast in the St. John's area on Anchorpoint Radio 96.7 FM, Sundays at 9 pm.
Check here for other frequencies available within Newfoundland and Labrador.
Anchorpoint Radio is also broadcasted on 10 radio networks and 74 frequencies across Canada and in the Caribbean Islands.
Are you interested in returning to the original pattern for the local church set down in the Word of God?
Does following New Testament principles of gathering OUT of religion and TO the lovely Name of the Lord Jesus Christ appeal to you?
Click the box below if you would like more information as to who we are and what we believe.
We meet together on Sunday mornings to remember the Lord with bread and wine as He instructed us to do.
We also meet during the week to receive teaching from the scriptures as well as enjoy conversational Bible study together. You are kindly welcome to all of our meetings. No public collections are ever taken.
If you are searching for truth and want to know more about God's wonderful plan of salvation, we encourage you to join us at any of these gatherings.
Breaking of Bread 9:30 -11:00 am
Refreshments 11:00 - 11:30 am
Bible Adventures for Kids 11:30 -12:30
Adult Bible Class 12:00 - 12:30 pm
Gospel Message 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Bible Study/Teaching 7:30 - 8:30 pm
If you cannot attend in person, join us on Zoom!
Breaking of Bread 9:30 -11:00 am
Bible Study 12:00 - 12:30 pm
Gospel Message 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Bible Study/Teaching 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Check with Joe for the Zoom links!
See What's Happening for updates.